
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Ep 10 A Storm Gathers: Tales from the Wilderland
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
The group heads higher up the Misty Mountains in search of the lost caravan. After a night spent at the creepiest campsite of all time, our heroes find evidence that the caravan is close. But even if they find them, they may find they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. Dangers close in around them–orcs, goblins, wolves, a...pony? Will they ever make it back down the mountain again?
Join the cast of the Party Business Podcast in this One Ring RPG actual play. We are still playing in 1st edition rules, but will convert fully to 2nd edition in the next few episodes.
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules, Lord of the Rings lore, and grab some free tabletop RPG resources at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast

Monday Apr 11, 2022
Ep 11 The Battle of the High Pass: Tales from the Wilderland
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
The time has come for the group to prove their battle prowess. They have found the lost caravan in the High Pass but so have the goblins and orcs. Night falls and the attack begins. Our heroes have to defend the caravan before they're killed or taken into the shadows beneath the mountain and suffer a fate worse than death. The problem is...the group might be in just as much trouble. Can they survive the night?
Join the cast of the Party Business Podcast in this One Ring RPG actual play. We are still playing in 1st edition rules, but will convert fully to 2nd edition in the next few episodes.
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules, Lord of the Rings lore, and grab some free tabletop RPG resources at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast

Monday Apr 25, 2022
Ep 12 A Howl in the Night: Tales from the Wilderland
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
The battle to defend the caravan in the High Pass rages on. The group needs to stay alive long enough to figure out how they're going to get themselves out of this dangerous position. To make a bad situation worse, Thakhid is wounded and it won't take much to make him go down, struggling for his life. The Dread of the Pass may be dead, but there are plenty of other orcs that want to see the geekiest fellowship of all time dead.
Join the cast of the Party Business Podcast in this One Ring RPG actual play. We are still playing in 1st edition rules, but will convert fully to 2nd edition soon. This episode contains mostly combat from 1st edition, just as an FYI.
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules, Lord of the Rings lore, and grab some free tabletop RPG resources at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast

Monday May 09, 2022
Ep 13 Dark Detours: Tales from the Wilderlands
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
The heroes have survived to tell of the great battle in the High Pass. Well...so far, anyway. They still need to nurse their wounds and make it back down the mountain. And they must deal with the consequences of the reckless hate of the goblins. Will they be content with their protected caravan and go back to more civilized places, or will they be lured by vengeance?
Join the cast of the Party Business Podcast in this One Ring RPG actual play. Soon we will be making the total conversion to the 2nd edition of The One Ring RPG. I know we keep sounding like broken records on that one, but as soon as we get to a Fellowship Phase it's happening. If they ever get to another Fellowship Phase that is!
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules, Lord of the Rings lore, and grab some free tabletop RPG resources at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast

Monday May 23, 2022
Ep 14 Misty Mountain Oysters: Tales from the Wilderland
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
The group has found its way into yet another tight spot. With the caravan saved and well on its way back to The Easterly Inn, our geeky fellowship has decided it wants to find more spoils and seek revenge before claiming victory over the goblins of the Misty Mountains. The problem is...will that just get them killed?
Join this One Ring RPG actual play podcast as our heroes look to find the source of the goblin problems in the High Pass. They may just get more than they bargained for.
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules, Lord of the Rings lore, and grab some free tabletop RPG resources at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast

Monday Jun 06, 2022
Ep 15 A Shortcut to Orc Rooms: Tales from the Wilderland
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
The heroes that have saved a caravan of innocent lives from the clutches of goblins have found themselves on a hunt to destroy the source of evil in the High Pass of the Misty Mountains. The problem is they are in the middle of a Goblin camp. They may have passed the outer guards but can they keep going undetected? With Rhori in the group? Well...let's hope.
Join this One Ring RPG actual play podcast as our heroes look to find the source of the goblin problems in the High Pass. They may just get more than they bargained for. But they may get some sweet treasure too!
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules, Lord of the Rings lore, and grab some free tabletop RPG resources at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast

Monday Jun 20, 2022
Ep 16 Sally in the Caves with Silver: Tales from the Wilderlands
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
The expedition into the heart of the Misty Mountains finally reaches its thrilling conclusion. Will the group find a way to stop the goblins from making more trouble and kill their chief? Or will their bickering and lack of decision-making finally bring them to ruin? Their rash action to enter the goblin lair could finally be their last mistake. Oh, and they have that goblin guide that they probably should utilize. Only one way to find out what happens...
Join this One Ring RPG actual play podcast as our heroes look free the High Pass from orc trouble. Hopefully, they can get out with their lives and some sweet loot.
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules, Lord of the Rings lore, and check out our new article on playing a Ranger of the North in 2e at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Ep 17 Concerning 2nd Edition and Other Tales: Tales from the Wilderland
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
We fully convert to the 2nd edition of The One Ring RPG in this episode! It has finally happened! Our heroes have saved the High Pass from certain future orc trouble (at least for a little while.) They have earned some rest and relaxation and probably a few ales. But, trouble might be brewing and shocking revelations are just around the corner.
Join this One Ring RPG actual play podcast as we finally hit another Fellowship Phase. We will talk through the mechanics of the 2nd edition of The One Ring RPG as we play, but we won't forget about the story, that's for sure.
And we recap our adventure so far making this a perfect entry point for any first-time listeners!
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules and Lord of the Rings lore at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast

Monday Jul 18, 2022
Ep 18 Cold Rumors: Tales from the Wilderlands
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
The group continues to discover rumors of the growing darkness in Mirkwood and the Wilderland. Thakhid must face the terror that's grown in his very home or let the darkness take him. The rest of our heroes speak to trusted allies...and familiar friends.
And Rhori drinks a good amount of dwarven ale.
Join this One Ring RPG actual play podcast as we continue the Yule Fellowship Phase. We will talk through the mechanics of the 2nd edition of The One Ring RPG as we play since we are fully converted to 2e now!
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules and Lord of the Rings lore at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Ep 19 Rise of the Goblin Beater: Tales from the Wilderland
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Our geeky fellowship prepares for their first Journey using full 2nd edition rules. And funny enough, 2nd edition of The One Ring RPG doesn't actually help you roll better!
The group, and Thakhid especially, must deal with a growing darkness that is making itself known more and more. They seek the wisdom of a wizard to help them with the answers to their questions.
And Rhori can't stop bragging about his new last name. What was it again? Goblin...something...
Join this One Ring RPG actual play podcast as we finish the Yule Felloship and start the next adventure! We will talk through the mechanics of the 2nd edition of The One Ring RPG as we play since we are fully converted to 2e now!
Also, be sure to visit our site to geek out over 2nd edition One Ring RPG rules and Lord of the Rings lore at https://www.partybusinesspodcast.com/
Email: partybusinesspod@gmail.com
Instagram: partybusinesspodcast
Twitter: @partybizpodcast